HPV uncensored

The HPV Uncensored Project is an educational program for local and regional high school students developed by Dr. Lisa Flowers to reduce the rates of HPV transmission among adolescents by helping to increase knowledge of HPV and cervical cancer prevention.

Program details

The HPV Uncensored Project is an educational program for local and regional high school students developed by Dr. Lisa Flowers to reduce the rates of HPV transmission among adolescents by helping to increase knowledge of HPV and cervical cancer prevention. Also, the importance of HPV vaccination as a primary prevention against cervical cancer is discussed. During a nine-week period, students participate in weekly lectures, activities, and discussions as part of a health science course. The program was piloted at Columbia High School in Decatur, GA and the New School of Carver in Atlanta, GA. In an effort to teach cancer prevention and decrease negative lifestyle behaviors, we engage students in a curriculum focused on the role of HPV as a sexually transmitted infection, how it is transmitted, its effects on the immune system, and its relationship of HPV with cervical and other cancers.

The goal of this program is to have the youth themselves modify behaviors that can increase their risk of HPV acquisition and transmission and emphasize the benefits of HPV vaccination. We are currently seeking additional schools to pilot the program.

Date & time



Atlanta, GA

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